Homing: Returning to Ourselves

Homing: Returning to Ourselves


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As Spring takes hold warming up the land around us, take time for yourself at a nourishing day retreat. We will be working creatively with the archetype of the Selkie and the rich stories surrounding this mythological seal-woman. This process will support a rich exploration of the concept of ‘soul home’.

What do we think of us ‘home’? How do we support a return to a sense of soul home? How does it feel if we can’t find a sense of ‘being at home’? What are the places and practices that most nurture our deepest selves? What is it that we crave and desire in our inner lives?

We will be working with a blend of creative practices including collage, clay and creative writing, as well as spending time out on the beautiful land at Bridge Farm taking in the magic of Spring unfolding around us.

We will share the creative process in a safely held, supportive space with ample hot drinks, home-made cake and a shared lunch.

Saturday 20th April 10 am – 4pm

Bridge Farm, Glenfrome Rd, Bristol BS16 1BQ

£80 for the full day (please contact me pippa.onestory@gmail.com to find out about concessionary rates, or if you would like to pay in instalments)


Event Details

Date: April 20, 2024

Start time: 10:00 a.m.

End time: 04:00 p.m.

Venue: Bridge Farm, Glenfrome Rd, Bristol BS16 1BQ

Email: pippa.onestorygmail.com