Amazing Archive (2007 – 2008)

A year long project working with young people in Knowle West, Bristol, to investigate their local heritage and find creative, inspiring ways bring the past to life and give it resonance and relevance today. The group met weekly for an academic year, exploring local places and spaces as well as resources at Bristol Records Office. They learnt lots of creative digital media skills, including animation, interviewing, sound recording and photography, and worked with members of the local community to collect their stories. A highlight was the ‘antiques roadshow’ where local community members brought in objects, photos and documents of local interest.

The project culminated in a multi-media exhibition that showed at Knowle West Media Centre and Bristol Records Office.

“When we started the interview we was really nervous, but we really learnt lots about Knowle West and how it has changed. It was really fun and we used our interviewing skills to get people co-operating with each other and to listen to other people’s views” Ashleigh Wade and Habiba Iqbal, Amazing Archive participants

“Today was excellent. I feel it is really important to share our history with a younger generation” Graham Blacker, Community Member

“I found the exhibition quite amazing and they have really showed how Knowle has changed over the years” Lady Mayoress

  • Wonky Donkey

  • Amazing Archive

  • gallery-item
  • gallery-item
  • gallery-item
  • gallery-item