Mothering The Mother (2017 – 2019)

At the heart of Mothering the Mother is the recognition that mothers need nourishment, support and care to be resourced to best nourish, support and care for their own children. The well known African proverb: ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ highlights that which is so often missing for women today – support from elders, extended family and community. Mothering the Mother will explore and celebrate different ways that people are creating support for mothers and their communities. This project grew out of earlier arts project Mother in the Mother.

Mothering the Mother is funded by ACE and supported in kind with a residency at KWMC. It runs from Spring 2017 – Spring 2019, and will include research and development into my arts practise.

Tell us what most nourishes you as a mother…

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Share Your Story

Prompts: What do you find nourishes you the most as a mother? Do you simply need more sleep? Or do you need more support, more connections, more community, more creativity….? Is a nuclear family enough, or do we need a whole tribe around us?
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload an image for your story